Monday, December 17, 2007

"We are the system"

Last weekend I participated in a 3 days Art of Hosting training lead by Toke, a guru of AoH. Was good (and needed) space for reflexion and learning, got a lot of good insights about hosting, working with people, creating change ... re-learning many things, reminding myself about others.
I´m thinking of posting a few of my notes here still, but firstly I´d like to share with you a final message by Toke.

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"We are the system - the system is not outside ourselves - it is our own broken relationships that need to heal - my relationship to myself, to life - to this earth - to the others - to the world - that is how systemic shifts happen.

I am the need in the world - we are the system - we are the solution. Meaningful conversations and real learning space heal our relationships.

We are invited to enter living from the heart....

From disrespect to respect - from I know better to curiousity - from judging to understanding each other- from fear to love.

This is what we need to host now between us - this is part of the Work of anyone who wants to help the world at this time."

- collective insight during Aoh in Brazil December 2007


Anonymous said...

Lugesin, et oled käinud nii Ecuadoris kui Kolumbias. On plaanis järgmisel aastal vahetusõpilaseks minna ja püüan hetkel just nende kahe vahel valida. Äkki on sul mõni soovitus/võrdlusmoment?

Tru said...

Tegelikult on mõlemad väga head valikud (ilus ja mitmekesine loodus, tore rahvas)! ma ise vist õpiksin veel natuke rohkem Kolumbiat tundma, tundub natuke atraktiivsem! kui soovid, anna mingi oma kontakt, kirjutan rohkem!