Saturday, May 01, 2010

Understanding complexity?

(ufa ... it's been a while since my last post here! I'm thinking of getting back online .. let's see how that goes)

Just to share I thought that I caught myself with just a few moments ago.

One of the challenges related to sustainability has been said the lack of system thinking, lack of understanding complexity etc.
Over the years we have been drawn into predominant ways of looking at the world as linear cause and efect equations, fragmenting complex issues into smaller parts, trying to implement mechanical solutions to every complex issue etc...

So as I went online today, and suddenly caught myself in a sort of a free flow of information that lead me through one page to another, from twitter, facebook to CNN news blog etc etc. I started to wonder whether the digital era helps the new generations to develop a skill of systemic thinking and understanding complexity?


Ali Anani said...

This is a consice summary of findings on complexity. My question is: can we really understand complexity? Or, are we in a situation very similar to fractals in which the more we dive in, the more we discover and the less we know?

Tru said...

thinking out loud ... I believe that there is space to understand complexity, and that would involve an open mind/heart to complex relationships, time dimension, interests/drivers involved ... but by understanding, it wouldn't mean that we can break it into pieces and map it out, but - it might be that - the understanding gives us some insights on HOW to go about complexity, complex systems / enironments, because controlling it ... I don't think we can ...
(thinking thinking)

online logo design said...

It is very important to understand the complexities. And one can understand the life and its benefits.